Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Devils Advocate: Do We Need a New Constitution?

Libertarians and Right Wing conservatives love to quote the US Constitution, a document written in an agrarian society, 225 years ago!  Surely we, as a modern nation in the 21st Century, can adopt and write a more fitting document to govern our country?  Today we are a high tech, mobile, urban society, with global reach and connections.  While the founding fathers made great decisions for their time...they were for their time!

In 2011, American society is more diverse, multi-lingual, multi-religious or non-religious, urban, multi-sexual...White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, a minority.  A more current document would reflect these changes in society that mere amendments to the existing document would not address.

A modern constitution may include:
  • Bill of Rights reflecting contemporary sexual mores, disabilities, and religious freedoms
  • 21st Century Economic realities on a global playing field...trade, employment, etc.
  • War Powers and Defense issues in an age of terrorism, Post 9/11 (Patriot Act, power of the President to wage war, etc.)
  • Separation of church and state issues more clearly defined
  • Separation of powers of the legislation, judicial, and administration more clearly spelled out for contemporary conditions.
  • Term limits  for all levels of government and a Balanced Budget provision
  • Emphasis on States Rights and reduction and scope of Federal Government
I am not going to write the document, I am just pointing out the possible necessity and some areas to consider.  Most will object to the entire concept...others may think about it and ponder the implications.  I merely put the idea forth.

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