Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Independents: Threat or Confused Voters?

Independent or unaffiliated voters have had an increased effect on recent elections, both locally and nationally. As many as 38% of the electorate, in various polls, claim to list themselves as "Independents". These "Fence Sitters" as I call them, sway elections, by jumping on the biggest 'band wagon', so to speak, in the last weeks of an election.  In Oregon for several years, Independents have tried, in vain thankfully, to be allowed to vote in Primary Elections.  This, to date, has been consistently denied!

While these non-affiliated voters are courted by both Democrats and Republican  Parties for their votes, perhaps this is symptomatic of something else. If the numbers are correct, 38% of the voters do not feel that the GOP or Dem's represent them, their views, or politics. Thus it may be construed that a third or fourth Political Party would allow them to be represented.

This Blog maintains that a National Conservative Party fills a growing need in American Politics.  Perhaps a fourth party, a "Centrist Party", is also needed for the Fence Sitters? American politics, in the last several Presidential Elections, have shown that the decades of basically a two party system, no longer works.  Change is needed and it's needed now!